1. what is aortic aneurysm?
aneurysm = dilatation
Def : patological dilation of aorta due to weekness of the wall of aorta.
2. What is the cause of the weekness of the wall of the aorta?
- trauma (chest and femoral(not aorta but superficial femoral artery)
- infection
- defect in protein construction of the aortic wall
3. What patient feels?
- most of them do not produce symptom
- symptoms appear after complication occurs
- enlarge and compress other organs and vessel (nerve roots-leg numbness,hoarse voice as the left recurrent laryngeal nerve compression)
- thromboembolism
5.How to make a diagnosis?
- x-ray(gold standard)
- CT scan
6. How to treat?
- Close surgery(if the aneurysm is small and angle not more than 25%) -STENTING
- Open surgery (protez???)